Sometimes it’s crazy to think that mankind could have created a world where everyone relaxes on the beach eating tropical fruits, but instead they are left with a busy work culture.
Work can be difficult, all-consuming and overwhelming. But just in case you are feeling a bit too stressed from all of the work, don’t worry…these funny work memes are here to save the day. If you can’t change your situation, why not at least laugh about it with these funny memes about work?
Working for 7 Hours, Yet Only a Few Minutes
Just about everyone can relate to this office meme. Sometimes you arrive at work in the morning, sit down in front of your computer, start answering emails, and it feels like hours are just ticking by. However, as this funny work meme explains, in reality, just a few moments have gone by. No one can understand how so much time has passed in so little time.

The man’s face so perfectly depicts the feeling of working so hard for what seems like forever, only to realize that you still have a full day of work ahead of you.
Try to Talk to the Manager
Working in a customer facing job can be incredibly difficult and trying, especially when one of those customers comes in, angry and wanting to talk to the manager. However, things can become a bit better, as the horses show in this funny work meme. It can be so satisfying to see the frustration in the Karen’s face when your manager completely backs you up in everything that you said. The customer is expecting special treatment just because they are talking to a manager, but their answer is the exact same as yours.

If only you could make a similar face as these horses to all of the frustrating and entitled customers who come in asking for the manager.
There Is Always That One Co-Worker
You’re stuck in a seemingly never-ending meeting. Everyone just keeps talking and talking and talking. Suddenly you look at the time and realize that it is about to come to a close and you will be free to escape. And then there is that one coworker, as depicted in this coworker meme, that feels the need to ask a question. With that question, comes talking that lasts for a seemingly endless amount of time. You feel betrayed.

Trying to Look Busy
It’s ok to admit it. Sometimes when you are at work, you are not fully working. That is, until your manager comes around and you have to make sure it looks like you are staying busy. If you are looking for a working meme to perfectly describe that feeling, here you have it. This woman, in the middle of nature is vacuuming. At first glance, like someone’s boss, you might not notice how odd this is as she looks like she is busy, but after a second thought, it is comically sad.

This woman at least seems to be taking her job of vacuuming nature very seriously. But she has to play the part if she wants it to look believable to her boss!
The Happiest Corpse
It’s true, sometimes work can leave you so sad and overwhelmed that you don’t understand what you are doing with your life. This funny work meme took this feeling to the next level by showing the happy face of this corpse and comparing it to themselves when they realize the best part of death…that you never need to work again!

If you are ever sad or worried about death or the afterlife, remember at least this one comforting thought portrayed in this funny meme about work.

The Best Part of a Job
What on earth could possibly be better than giving your entire life to a job, working your hardest, only to realize that, as a result, you have even more work to do. People tend not to appreciate work that they can get for free and that applies to the workplace as well. Most people who work well end up having to do their coworkers jobs as well, since they were not able to do them correctly in the first place.

The expression on this man’s face (although hidden) perfectly portrays the reality of this feeling for so many people in the workforce.
Fax or Send Over a Dinosaur
Sometimes it is difficult to maintain composure when someone asks you to send something over via fax. After all, what time period do they think they are living in? The Stone Age? Who even has fax machines anymore, let alone knows how to use them! And the funniest part is that they ask in full sincerity thinking that it is the most normal request.

Is there anyone who can’t relate to this funny work meme? Only the people who constantly ask for faxes to be sent.
It’s Time to Sit Back and Relax
People oftentimes do not like to listen to employees that aren’t quite as high-ranking as them in the office, to their own demise. The man in this work memes is pretty funny as he sits back and watches the world go up in flames and chaos, knowing that he did everything possible to prevent this exact thing from happening but no one listened to him or took him seriously.

What else is there to really do at that point? Just grab a container of popcorn and watch the show.
The Punniest Employee Ever
Everyone can use a little humor around the workplace, especially if you aren’t lucky enough to have a list of funny work quotes or memes lying around. This employee is full of dad jokes as he has this comical dialogue with his boss. You can’t help but grin as you read these cheesy and funny workplace puns. It’s hard to deny that they are pretty clever!

Who ever thought that it would be possible to include this many different programs in one short conversation? If this man said these lines in an interview, he almost definitely got the job!
Friday Vs Monday Employee
Ahhh it’s Friday. Who doesn’t love that feeling more than just about anything else in the world? Your long work week is over and now you can go home and start enjoying some funny work memes. You are ready to leave things a mess, throw papers in the air, and let the fires burn. However, what you don’t stop to consider is that you will be the same employee that needs to clean up this mess when Monday comes around.

Sadly, there usually isn’t a weekend shift full of people who can clean up the messes caused during the week. Monday comes, gloomy as ever, with a whole new week of work and a lot to fix from the previous week.
The Workplace Double Standard
Who doesn’t love a good old-fashioned double standard? It is perhaps one of the most frustrating things and can be seen constantly in the workplace. This funny meme about work shows exactly what it feels like when that double standard is exposed. If you stay an hour, two hours later at work than is required, no one even notices or cares. However, the minute you are 5 minutes late, you’re brought in for a talk with management.

They should really create a system that monitors the actual hours worked, not the specific times that they are worked.