Baby born without a face, then doctors say something much more scarier. A tiny girl from Jacksonville, Florida, can teach us a thing or two about how to be beautiful. According to her mother, Juliana Wetmore, age eleven, attends school, engages in conversation, and participates in extracurricular activities with their peers.
Defying all Chances Despite being born with Treacher Collins syndrome and being born without a face after a difficult pregnancy, Juliana’s parents, Tom and Tammy Whitmore, learned that they had given birth to a girl who was missing 40% of the bones in her facial structure. Despite comments on social media suggesting that Juliana be euthanized, the Wet Moors are celebrating today because Juliana is finally able to speak and communicate in sign language after 45 surgeries over the course of eleven years.

What happened to her? What happened to her face? Tammy recalls asking the question, according to First Coast News. Because of her problematic pregnancy, she’d not seen Juliana until her husband took a photograph of her and prepared his wife for what she was about to see in the photograph. Those suffering from treater Collins syndrome have delayed facial development, which is thought to be caused by a mutation in the gene on chromosome five, according to the genetics home reference.
The rare genetic illness is characterized by irregularities in the development of the head and face, as well as underdevelopment of the cheekbones and comparable tissues, such as the Jawbone. Many people, particularly on social media, express their displeasure with the Wetmore’s decision to keep Juliana, according to FCN.
One of the comments stated, Damn things should have been euthanized. Despite the fact that the Wetmore’s doctors and others were appalled by Juliana’s reaction, they used it as incentive to continue to provide Juliana with a normal and healthy existence. Her parents are completely behind her and believe that Juliana is demonstrating to the world that beauty is only skin deep.
A story about an eleven year old girl has inspired parents from many walks of life who have used it to teach their own children that genuine beauty cannot be defined by what’s on the outside, according to the New York Daily News. They stated that this narrative is much broader than us or Juliana. God never gives you more than you can manage, says the Sage Solomon. Juliana is not alone in the difficulties she faces on a daily basis. Her adopted sister Danica, who’s also afflicted by the same ailment as her, provides further support to the adolescent.
In addition to the assistance she receives from her parents and elder sister Kendra, the Wetmore has conducted a Google search on the subject. In 2010, USA Today reported on the Treacher Collins adoption, in which they discovered a photo of Danica in an orphanage in Ukraine and adopted her. Unlike Juliana, her medical condition is not as serious as Juliana’s. It’s been a year since the girls first met, and they’re inseparable. They communicate with each other through sign language and swing together at the school playground.
The wet Moors are confident that Juliana and Danica will always be able to comprehend the difficulties they confront when other people are unable to relate to them. Juliana still has some challenges to overcome as she continues to eat through a tracheotomy tube and receives most of her sustenance through a feeding tube. She can currently ingest and digest things such as Italian ice, which is a treat. Her parents hope that one day she’ll be able to prepare her own meals despite her age. The eleven year old is scheduled for surgery this summer.
To further clarify her cheekbones, Juliana has conveyed to her parents that she is content with her appearance currently, despite the fact that her surgeries have not resulted in a normal looking face. The wet Moores have stated that they do not wish to put any additional strain on her. How is Juliana Wetmore faring these days? Juliana, on the other hand, is currently flourishing and attending primary school in Clay County, Florida. She’s able to communicate verbally as well as through sign language.
In the meantime, her parents are hopeful that she will one day be able to eat independently and that her tracheotomy two will no longer be necessary. Is it possible to be born without having a face on your face?

Baby born without a face, owing to a rare disease, manages to celebrate his first birthday despite the odds. Unbelievably, a baby boy born without a face had survived to celebrate his first birthday, defying all expectations. The absence of the flat bones in the cranial vault within the skull, which is an uncommon congenital condition, meaning that the flat bones are either fully or partially absent.
What happened to the girl who was devoid of a face? Juliana Whetmore is referred to as the girl born without a face all around the world and for good reason. A year after her birth or tail went viral on the internet when she was born, her face didn’t appear to be that of a human. Juliana suffers from Treacher Collins syndrome, which is a hereditary disease. Her face is lacking up to 40% of its bones, which is a significant deformity treature.
Collins or TCS, is a rare genetic condition marked by deformities of the head and face. Under development of the zigmatic complex cheekbones, jaws, palate and mouth can cause respiratory and feeding issues. A downward slant of the hole between the upper and lower eyelids and anomalies of the external and middle ear structures may also result in hearing loss. Anomalies of the brain and behavior like microcephaly and psychomotor delay have been documented. Tcs symptoms and physical traits vary considerably between individuals.
Some people have mild symptoms that go untreated, while others have life threatening problems. Tcs is caused by mutations in the TC F one gene, but can also be caused by Por one B, tcof one and Por one B are autosomal dominant well. Por one C is autosomal recessive. Tcs has been linked to autosomal dominant and recessive PO.
Tcs symptoms and severity can vary greatly across individuals, even within families. Others may have major abnormalities and potentially life threatening respiratory problems. Notably, not all affected individuals will exhibit all the symptoms listed. Tcs affects the face, ears, and the delicate tissues around the eyes. Affected people have distinct facial traits and may suffer hearing and visual issues.
Tcs is characterized by symmetrical or nearly similar facial deformities that are present at birth, hearing loss, cleft, palate, or jaw, and airway issues that can all cause or affect speech and language development. Although intelligence is normally unaffected, neurological and behavioral defects such as microcephaly and cognitive delay have been recorded.
Faces with TCS have flattened or missing cheekbones. Mandibular hypoplasia causes the chin and lower jaw to see abnormally tiny. The chronic and candle in process that bind the lower Jawbone to muscle might be flat or missing.
The throat of affected newborns may be underdeveloped. Pharyngeal, hypoplasia, and hypoplasia of the lower jaw, and or micronathia may cause feeding and or breathing issues in early infancy. Obstructive sleep apnea is a sleep disorder characterized by recurrent, brief pauses of regular breathing and air movement. In severe cases, breathing problems might be fatal. Nasal airway constriction, and blockage might also cause respiratory or eating issues.
The Pierre Robin sequence includes severe micronathia, a tongue displaced further back in the mouth than usual, and partial closure of the roof of the mouth, and some children, even when the palate unites, it might remain excessively arched, affecting feeding and respiration.
Also, mouth and jaw anomalies can cause dental issues like underdeveloped or misplaced teeth, tooth, Agnesis, enamel opacity, and ectopic. Eruption of certain upper teeth can also be recorded. Tcs patients may have hearing loss as sound waves fail to pass through the middle ear. Tcs is caused by deformed or missing oscillators, the three tiny bones that transport sound waves in the middle ear.

Atresia is a constriction or blockage of the exterior ear canals. The outer ears may be twisted. However, male formations of the inner ears, bony spiral organ, cochlea, and balance related structures. Vestibular apparatus have been recorded. Pre Oracle Tags are tiny skin growths or pits right in front of the external ear, and a blind fistula is an irregular tube that drains the ears to the nose.
Tissue abnormalities around the eyes are common in TCS newborns. These eye abnormalities can cause a melancholy facial expression. It’s most prevalent when the opening between the upper and lower eyelids slants downward. Eyelid Columbus, partial eyelash loss on the lower eyelid, crossed eyes, and constricted tear ducts are further signs. Male formations of the globe can include a notch or split in the Iris or unusually small eyes.
Some patients lose their vision. The intensity and mix of ocular disorders determine the visual impairment. Anomalies of the lower eyelids can cause chronic discomfort and infection. Approximately 5% of TCS patients have developmental or neurological issues such as psychomotor, slowness normal language development, has little effect on intelligence. Hearing loss, cleft, palate, or structural deformity can all affect speech development.