Mom loses three sons at once. Months later, she discovers heartbreaking. Nothing could be more heartbreaking than a parent’s inexplicable sadness over the loss of a kid. For all time, parents worst nightmare has come true. This is exactly what happened to the Kobles.
Theirs is a powerful narrative of unspeakable sorrow, courage, fortitude and fresh beginnings. Chris and Laurie Cobble lost their three young children in a horrible car accident not far from their California home in May of 2007. Laurie Cobalt loaded up her minivan with her mother, Cindy, and her three children, Kyle, age five, Emma, aged four, and Katie, two.
On an ordinary day in May 2007, a day after her son’s birthday, Kyle especially enjoyed the Ferris wheel in the petting Zoo at a mall fair where the family attended. Even in their sadness, the couple knew they were intended to be parents and would be again after the abrupt and devastating loss of their two girls and a son.

The Kobel told Today anchor Meredith Vieira on Tuesday that everything will be okay if everything goes smoothly. Chris and Lori Coble lost their three young children in an instant last May in a terrible automobile accident not far from their California home.
Even in their sadness, the couple knew they were intended to be parents and would be again after the abrupt and devastating loss of their two girls and a son. Kobos told Today anchor Meredith Vieira on Tuesday that if everything goes well, they’ll have two new baby girls and a newborn son next spring. The couple can’t help but believe it’s all linked together, Laurie Cobalt told we both knew we wanted more babies.
Right now we’re parents without children. The children are the reason we’re so happy in life. If they were still alive, they knew we wanted to have more children. Chris Kobel said he can’t help but believe that the children he lost had a hand in his wife’s pregnancy. From a spiritual standpoint, he’s convinced that they’re in a better place watching over their mother and father.
Your mind is incapable of thinking otherwise. It’s hard to believe they weren’t involved in constructing this. If you feel there’s some place watching over you, protecting you and something like this happens, he said. Maurice Triplets two girls and one boy were created using in vitro fertilization. Lori Coble’s eggs were fertilized in the operation and three of them became viable embryos.
Three of the ten eggs had a chance of being viable, according to Chris Coble. The physicians hope to implant only two of the embryos. But after losing two girls and a boy, the couple requested that all three embryos be placed to Lori Kobe’s womb on the roadway. There was a tragedy. Lori Coble, aged 30, was driving home from lunch on I Five with her mother, Cynthia Maestri, age 60, in the passenger seat of the family’s minivan.
On May 4, Kyle, five, was playing a video game, Emma, four, was watching TV and Katie, two, was sound asleep behind them. Deep center and left lanes were going quickly, but the right Lane was stopped in its tracks, with cars backed up on the Mission Viejo exit ramp.
Laurie Cable intended to take she recalls, reaching back as the car came to a stop to check on her children and pressing Katie’s toe to Rouse her up so she could nap when they arrived home. She only knows what happened after that because of what others have told her. Lori Cole and her mother were critically injured when a tractor trailer carrying 20 tons of electronics drove into the rear of the minivan, killing all three children and seriously wounding Lori Coble.
Chris Coby’s father, the Reverend Robert Kobel, a Presbyterian priest from Pennsylvania, officiated over the funeral, which was attended by hundreds from the family’s neighborhood. The parents spoke at the service about the joy their children had brought them, and Chris Cobble mentioned how they would greet him when he returned home from work. There is a stampede to the front door screaming Daddy, says the narrator. He recalled at the time, I felt horrible because I couldn’t hug them all at once. We’re not sure how we’re going to get out of this.
At the funeral, Robert Coble told a reporter, I hope they’ll be parents again someday, since they have so much to give. Maurice Coble and Chris Cobble had the same desire. The couple realized they wouldn’t be able to replace their children, but they hope to continue to have children. Chris Cole described learning that three viable embryos that survived this operation as wonderful. We interpreted it as a sign, even though the doctor was more conservative and only intended to put two back.

We opted to put all three in after there were two girls and a boy, which is ironic. Since the disaster, the Cobbles have been active members of the Virginia based Truck Safety Coalition, a citizens lobbying group advocating for stronger trucking industry regulation. According to the coalition, 5000 people are killed every year in trucking accidents. This is a business where you get paid depending on how many kilometers you drive, Chris Cobble told. For many drivers, if the truck isn’t moving, they don’t get paid, which creates an entire economy that encourages risk and actual safety concerns.
We’d like to change the fact that these drivers are speeding and exhausted. They are lobbying for legislation to limit the amount of time truckers may spend on the road. George Miguel Romero, aged 37, the driver who hit their minivan had been cited for speeding in 2002 and 2006. Investigators believe he was distracted and possibly talking on his phone when he hit Lori Kobel’s van. Three counts of vehicular manslaughter have been filed against Romero, and he’s plead not guilty.
The Cobbles want the US to adopt the same legislation as Europe and many other countries, which require trucks to have onboard computers that track their speed and location via a GPS system. This has resulted in a significant reduction in truck fatalities in other Nations, Chris Cobble said. How come we can’t have that same policy in this country? I want to ask lawmakers and everyone else. We are way behind schedule.
The couple continues to see a therapist once a week to help them deal with the contradictory feelings they’re experiencing as a result of the loss of three lovely and important children and the prospect of three more babies next year, Chris Kobal told. That’s helped us sort out the challenges of having to deal with the sadness while still thinking about the happiness to come. It’s a two sided coin that we have to deal with on a daily basis. The expecting parents were convinced it wasn’t a fluke. I believe it’s a miracle.
I believe Kyle, Emma and Katie had a hand in it, Laura says. I believe they assisted us and made this feasible. Though nothing will ever be able to replace Kyle, Emma and Katie, Ashley, Ellie and Jake have undoubtedly helped the couple to go forward with love, joy and laughter. Ashley, Ellie and Jake turned seven years old in May of 2015. Chris hopes that by sharing his incredible experience, people may be inspired to keep hope alive even in the darkest days of their lives.
Kyle, Emma and Katie, it appears, played a part in this wonderful finale, which eventually healed their heartbroken. Parents Hearts losing someone you care about is never an easy thing to go through. It’s difficult to come to terms with what’s happened when someone dies. In the days ahead, you’ll likely feel a variety of emotions, and it’s natural to be unsure of what to do. You may feel as if your world is crumbling around you at times, but you don’t have to give up hope.
When you’re grieving the loss of a loved one, it might be difficult to envision a way ahead. Taking some steps, on the other hand, can help you find strength and optimism. It will be far better to talk about what’s going on than to keep it all inside. Some people are self conscious about their feelings and will strive to hide them from others. You may be embarrassed to cry in front of others, or you may simply find it unusual to discuss sensitive topics.

It takes time for everyone to open up, but you should locate people you can trust and lean on for assistance. It will be beneficial to have at least one or two people who can provide emotional support. This person could be a family member or a close friend. Friendship with the proper people can help you get through even the most difficult times. Don’t be afraid to express your feelings about what’s happened and how it affects your life.
You must be honest with yourself and allow yourself to be emotional. When you don’t talk about things, it can be even more difficult to cope with than it would otherwise. Spending some time now talking things out will help you work out through your feelings in a healthy manner. This will make it easier for you to move forward in life once more and you’ll feel more normal. Accepting a loved one’s death isn’t always simple and some individuals try to escape pain rather than deal with it.
To prevent having to grieve for your lost loved one, you can consider devoting yourself entirely to your work. This isn’t good for you and you should allow yourself to be emotional because this individual matters so much to you, you could not be fine right now. Grief takes time to process and you don’t have to go through it alone. As previously stated, finding someone to chat to can be beneficial. It’s also possible that you just need to be emotional and unhappy for a while when something unpleasant happens.
It’s natural to feel this way and crying isn’t a show of weakness. You may not be used to dealing with grief, but you must allow yourself time. You should also be aware that grieving is a unique experience for each person. When someone they care about dies, for example, some people become quite enraged. This may appear to be incorrect at first, but you must process your feelings.