Carol Michael was under the impression that her brother had died and been buried for two weeks. No one had any inkling that anything was going on, Michael told. As it happens, guest anchor Laura Lynch. My brother was laid to rest, my father laid to rest, rest as son. My family was in mourning.
People had traveled from all around the world to attend. We were completely certain that my brother was in heaven until we discovered that he was not. Eleven days later, an unidentified homeless guy was discovered dead outside of Horizon Store in Fountain Valley, California, on May 6. According to the Orange County Register, the investigation into his death began immediately. The deceased had been identified as Michael’s brother, Frank M.

Carrington, 57, who was mentally ill and had been living on the streets, according to the Orange County Coroner’s Office. When Michael received the phone call, she described herself as devastated. Having gathered the supplies for a makeshift monument, which included a framed portrait of her brother, a candle, flowers, Rosary beads, and a letter that read, Your family loves you. She set out for the location where he was alleged to have perished. There was blood all over the ground and there were dirty blankets all over the place, and it was quite horrendous.
I wasn’t aware of any of the circumstances at the time of the incident. In addition to being concerned about a fatality, I was also frightened that something more serious had occurred, that something tragic had occurred as a result of what I had witnessed, she explains. As you may imagine, I was really upset. I had a breakdown and I couldn’t stop crying. One of the stores employees approached her and asked if she would like him to join her in prayer.
She accepted his offer without hesitation. It was a very, very painful ordeal to go through, says the author. Following the initial shock, Kerrigan’s family immediately went to work on ensuring that she received a proper send off. Approximately 50 individuals traveled from as far away as Las Vegas and Washington state to attend the funeral, which cost 20 $0 and was held on May 12. It was a traditional Catholic service with everyone in attendance.
The eulogy was delivered by Kerrigan’s brother John, and the body was placed at a Cemetery in Orange County, around 40 meters from the location of Michael’s mother’s graveyard. Then, on May 23, when Michael picked up her phone from the repair shop, she discovered that she’d received an overwhelming number of missed calls from family members. I thought to myself, oh my God, another person’s died, she recalled. It turned out to be a good piece of news. After all, you could call it a miracle if you want to call it that her sibling was still alive, she discovered.
Later that day, she’d shown up on the doorstep of his childhood friend Bill Shinker, who had served as a pallbearer at his funeral the day before. Shinker, according to Kerrigan called Kerrigan’s father, Frank SR. And told him, Your son is not no longer alive. He’s still alive and well, and he’s currently sitting on my terrace. It’s still unknown how the body was misidentified by coroner’s investigators.
Apparently, according to Doug Easton, an attorney retained by the senior Frank Kerrigan coroner’s office officials were unable to match the corpse’s fingerprints through a law enforcement database and instead used an old driver’s license photo to identify Kerrigan. The elder Frank Garrigan, 87, told the Register that when he first received the call, he volunteered to ID the body, but was later informed that his son had been recognized using fingerprints.
When someone tells me my son is dead and they have fingerprints to prove it, I believe them, he explained. The coroner’s office stated that they tried the fingerprints again and discovered that they matched those of someone else on June 1. They are not publishing his name publicly until they’ve been able to notify his next of kin.
As a result of the tragic occurrence, Sheriff’s Lieutenant Lane Lagerett expressed regret to the Kerrigan family, stating that the agency is sorry for any mental stress created as a result of this regrettable incident.

His Department is launching an internal inquiry into the mix up, according to a statement released on Saturday, and all identification, regulations and processes will be reviewed to ensure that misidentifications do not happen again in the future. However, it’s been nearly a month, Michael pointed out. They didn’t do anything until Saturday night, when the tale became widely circulated. My family was never contacted by them in any way.
They never expressed regret or offered an apology. They didn’t do anything at all. And Michael has a sneaking suspicion that she understands why. Because of his level in life, my brother did not receive the due diligence in the process that would have been provided to any other citizen, she explained. For a normal person, something like this would not have happened.
Someone simply determined that this individual was a nonfactor. And, you know, let’s just get this over with now. She’s left wondering who’s buried next to her mother and where did they come from. The coroner’s office stated on its website that the stranger’s remains would be interred in the Kerrigan family burial plot until his family can be located or all efforts have been exhausted. It’s a desecration to my family, a desecration, Michael stated.
They’re burying him in the grave of another man. It’s a travesty. There are also further difficulties. When Kerrigan was declared legally dead, the federal government terminated his disability payments. The family is putting forth effort to restore them.
Michael stated that her brother made the decision to return to live on the streets and that he’s unaware of how difficult the decision was for his family. According to her, he has a habit of disappearing for weeks at a time and ignoring offers of assistance or refuge.
Given his circumstances, it’s understandable that his mental health concerns persisted even after he returned to life, she explained. He had the same concerns we had dealt with previously with him for 15 years, says the doctor. The family is now preparing to file a lawsuit claiming that officials failed to properly identify the body as that of Kerrigan’s son because he’s homeless.
The coroner’s office stated that it was unable to provide further information owing to pending litigation. It’s a case of negligence, Michael explained. In his words. It’s a dreadful circumstance. In another similar story that has the same type after being declared dead by the hospital because his family mistakenly identified the wrong body, a man returns home a week after his funeral to the surprise of his family, a 40 year old man who had been assumed dead came up at their door a week after they’d wrongly identified a decaying corpse as his body and performed a funeral for him.
The blunder occurred after the state run RK Hospital declared the body of a man named Govern Projhapad, who was undergoing treatment at the hospital as unidentified and later owned. Carla Gadula’s relatives mistakenly took possession of that body in Rajasthan’s Rajmazan District, according to reports. Gadula, a recovering alcoholic, had left his home in Udaipur on May 11 without alerting his family. He was admitted to the hospital because he was suffering from a liver ailment, according to investigators. Goulius family had taken up residence with his brother following the coronavirus induced lockdown.
On the same day, Pasha Popat was transported from the Mohawk area to the RK Hospital by an ambulance service that had been arranged by a group of community members. According to reports, he died during therapy. He’d received a letter from the hospital officials informing us that a body had been left at the mortuary for three days without being claimed. Following that, we distributed images of the deceased man on numerous fronts in order to identify the body, according to Ken Crowley police station. He stated that around a dozen people showed up to the hospital on May 15 in order to identify the deceased.
The police were notified and the family members agreed in writing to give over the body to them without doing a postmortem examination. The body was mistakenly recognized as that of Godulia by his family members based on a similar scar on his right hand and his overall appearance, and the authorities gave over the body without completing a post mortem or DNA test.
The body was discovered and recognized by family members. The body is normally handed over to the municipality for cremation after DNA testing and a postmortem by a medical board have been completed. According to VAS, if the body cannot be recognized, the body is subjected to postmortem and postmortem by a medical board.

The body was removed from the scene and the funeral rites were administered on the same day, May 15. Ceiling, on the other hand, arrived home on May 23 and was astonished to discover that he’d been declared dead. Later the police conducted an inquiry and determined that the body that Kaduius family had cremated was in fact that of Gordon Pajapat who had been killed in a car accident. In this scenario, the police were not at fault in any way. According to Vias, the body was declared unidentifiable by the hospital administration staff.
Meanwhile, hospital officials confirmed that the entire situation was the result of a clerical error on the part of the nursing and mortuary personnel. There was a large number of patients in the hospital. The patient was transported to the hospital by way of the 108 Emergency Ambulance service. The tragedy occurred as a result of a breakdown in communication between the nursing and mortuary workers. Rk Hospital’s Principal Medical Officer Dr.
Lalite projett has stated that the appropriate action will be taken in this situation. In addition to his wife, Prajjapod is survived by three children who were placed in a welfare home. As his health began to deteriorate. According to investigators, his wife had abandoned him because of his health problems. Thanks for reading.