This baby was born without half of the heart left the whole medical staff in awe. As a child, Reggie Aslin was born with a heart condition known as Hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Because of this, half of his heart disease did not mature normally while he was still in pregnancy. Doctors determined that he had a 50% chance of surviving after scanning discovered a problem. He has successfully undergone his first surgery and he will require other surgeries as he grows.
After surviving a potentially life threatening open heart operation at the age of four days, a baby born with only half a heart has been permitted to return home. Reggie Aslan was born with Hypoplastic left heart syndrome, a rare congenital heart abnormality that means half of his heart did not develop properly during development.
The sad news was delivered at his parents 20 week ultrasound after six years of attempting to conceive. Lee and Michelle, both 35, have been trying for a child for six years. Doctors permitted that Reggie had a 50% chance of surviving and that he would require three major heart procedures and would be unlikely to live until his adolescent years.

However, the courageous couple chose against having him aborted and he was born on September 1 weighing £9 12oz. Reggie underwent open heart surgery to replem his heart when he was just four days old. It was a grueling nine hour operation that left him with a large scar down his chest. This week, he was able to return to his hometown of Grimsby, Lincolnshire, with his new parents. In the past few months, Mr Aslan has requested whether he’ll ever be able to bring his son home from the hospital.
It was uncertain whether he’d be breathing when he was born or whether he’d make it through the operation, but he did. It was predicted that Reggie would be in the hospital for three to four months following his surgery, but he’s done exceptionally well since then. Our first impressions of him were a little uneasy and we brought him home, but he’s taking care of himself. He’s a little hero with a big heart. He’s nothing short of a miracle.
The couple expressed their delight at spending their first Christmas with their son at home, saying, we are simply so delighted. Before being allowed to take Reggie home yesterday night, the pair had to spend six weeks in Leeds Royal Infirmary recovering from his injuries. The first stage of the Norwood operation was performed on him when he was four days old. The Norwood procedure is a high risk three step surgery that involves instructing the heart’s right side to take over. For the left side, it rewires the right ventricle to pump red blood to the body instead of blue blood, allowing blue blood to travel straight to the lungs instead of via the body.
The first operation is always the most risky, since it’s the longest and most intricate, so it was the most difficult obstacle to overcome the lifeguard explained. The fact that he has come through one ordeal gives us every faith in the world that he’ll come through the others as well. His few weeks of existence have been more difficult than my entire 35 year life put together. He’s definitely a little fighter, says his mother. His abnormality was discovered at the 20 week ultrasound, according to Ms.
Aslan, who also has a 13 year old daughter, Caitlin. She described the experience as heartbreaking. She stated that the family was now concentrating on the future and hoped that advancements would be made to increase his chances of survival. It means so much to us to have him here and whatever time we have with him, whether it’s two months, a year, ten years or beyond, we’re just grateful for this brief period of time. She expressed gratitude.
We intend to shower him with as much affection and as many memories as we’re able to. He’ll live the best life he could possibly imagine. We are hoping that something new will come out in the next 19 or 20 years that will be able to assist him, she continued. The decision to not fight any longer is entirely up to him. No one else has the authority to make it for him.
The Hypoplastic Left heart Syndrome and What It Is Hypoplastic left heart syndrome is a congenital heart abnormality that impairs the normal flow of blood through the left ventricle. The left side of the heart does not develop properly as the infant grows and develops throughout pregnancy.

Hypoplastic left heart syndrome is a kind of congenital cardiac abnormality that affects the left ventricle. Congenital refers to something that’s present at birth. A baby born with this condition is regarded to have a serious congenital heart defect, since the newborn will require surgery or other operations shortly after birth.
If there is no congenital heart abnormality, the right side of the heart is responsible for pumping oxygen poor blood from the heart to the lungs and a healthy infant. The left side of the heart is responsible for pumping oxygenrich blood throughout the body.
In pregnancy, when a baby is growing in a mother’s womb, there are two small openings between the left and right sides of the heart, the patent ductus arteriosis and the patent form of an Oval. These openings allow oxygen and nutrients to reach the baby’s heart. Most of the time, these openings will close within a few days of delivery.
When a baby has Hypoplastic left heart syndrome, the left side of the heart is unable to properly pump oxygen rich blood to the rest of the body. During the first few days of life. The oxygen rich blood bypasses the poorly functioning left side of the heart through the patent ductus arteriosis and the patent foramen Vovo, which are both present in the baby’s.
Hypoplastic Left heart Syndrome The right side of the heart then pumps blood to the lungs as well as to the rest of the body, completing the cycle. When these openings close in babies with Hypoplastic left heart syndrome, however, it becomes difficult for oxygen rich blood to reach the rest of the body, resulting in death.
According to the CDC, around 1025 newborns are born in the United States each year with HLHS. To put it another way, approximately one in every 4000 newborns born in the United States is born with the syndrome. The origins of cardiac anomalies, such as Hypoplastic left heart syndrome, which affects the majority of newborns, are currently unknown.
Some newborns are born with cardiac abnormalities as a result of genetic or chromosonal alterations in their parents. Additionally, it’s believed that these sorts of cardiac defects are caused by a mix of genes and other risk factors, such as things that the mother comes into contact with in the environment, what the mother consumes or drinks, and any medications that the mother take during pregnancy.
The diagnosis of Hypoplastic left heart syndrome can be made during pregnancy or shortly after the birth of the child. There are screening tests, also known as prenatal tests, that are performed during pregnancy to look for birth abnormalities and other disorders. When a woman is pregnant, she can have an ultrasound to determine if she has HLHS, which creates pictures of the body. Some ultrasound results may lead a healthcare professional to believe that a newborn may be suffering from HLHS. The healthcare practitioner can next request a fetal echocardiogram, which is an examination of the baby’s heart, to check that the diagnosis was made correctly.
This test can reveal abnormalities with the heart’s anatomy as well as how the heart is functioning in the presence of the defect. Babies with HLHS may not show any symptoms for the first few days of life while the patent ductus arteriosis and the patent form and Oval are still open, but they quickly show signs of the condition after these openings are closed, which include the following breathing difficulties.
A pounding heart, a weak pulse, or ashen or bluish skin color are all possible symptoms. An examination by a doctor may reveal these symptoms or reveal the presence of a heart murmur during the examination. If a murmur is heard or other indications are present, the healthcare practitioner may order one or more tests to determine the cause of the murmur, the most frequent of which is an echocardiogram, to make a diagnosis.
Aside from that, echocardiography is important for assisting the healthcare practitioner in tracking the child’s health over time. Hlhs is a congenital condition that can be diagnosed through newborn pulse oximetry screenings as well.

In babies, pulse oximetry is a simple bedside test that can be used to assess the quantity of oxygen present in their blood. Cchd can be identified by low oxygen levels in the bloodstream. Hypoxia newborn screening using pulse oximetry can detect certain infants have a congenital heart defect, such as an HLHS, before they show any symptoms.
Some of the health concerns linked with Hypoplastic left heart syndrome may be treated with the following medications. It’s possible that certain babies and children will require medications to help strengthen their heart muscle, reduce their blood pressure and assist their bodies in eliminating excess fluid while nursing.
Some babies with Hypoplastic left heart syndrome grow fatigued and they may not consume enough calories to gain weight. In order to ensure that babies acquire weight in a healthy manner, a high calorie formula may be suggested. It’s possible that some newborns will become exceedingly weary while being fed and will require nourishment through a feeding tube.