Twins born at four months when dad put them down he was shocked imagine being pregnant with twins but giving birth to them months apart a child is a legacy raising a child properly is definitely difficult it should not be a burden kids are tiny humans who depend on you for survival it is definitely a responsibility ideally having children is something that is planned and prepared for
Something you wished for and wanted and parents should have the physical and emotional maturity and financial readiness to have children the first four months of being a mom were the most unpleasant of my life being pregnant was a wonderful time by comparison i had her early and she was like a newborn for a long time and i was ill from the complications as if god had asked me if i wanted to do a do-over to
Go back and never have kids there are times in those four months that i would have agreed i don’t know how normal those feelings are but even though i had longed for this baby i fantasized about not having children babies born before the 18th week of pregnancy are considered premature premature babies are also sometimes referred to as preemies premature mothers are often anxious and frightened premature births is a higher

Risk for one or more complications at the beginning of the seventh month of pregnancy you’ll begin the third trimester from here you will see the rapid growth of a baby however in the seventh month of pregnancy more than just growth occurs miraculous the baby who was delivered is fighting for his life waiting for the day he gets to meet his brother on the outside says the twins dad
In most cases twins are born within minutes of each other but if all goes well two miracle babies in washington state will be celebrating their birthdays a whopping four months apart the unusual story began late last month when the boy’s mom holly gorveret went into labor unexpectedly at 23 weeks because of complications she had to deliver one of the babies link who was a tiny one pound two ounces at birth her wedding ring fit easily
Around his limbs options were more limited for the second baby logan he was much smaller than his brother due to a potentially fatal rare condition called twin to trend transfusion syndrome where blood passes unequally between twins who share a placenta because of that gorviat’s doctors decided to try a rare risky procedure called delayed interval delivery did leaving logan in the utero until closer
To his original january due date the twins estimated four-month gap between births is one of the longest intervals on record according to dr martin walker who oversaw the did miraculously despite all setbacks the boys are hanging in there though the odds were stacked against link only some 10 percent of preemies survived the procedure he’s putting on some weight in the nicu and showing promises signs of lung
Development his parents wrote on the gofundme page logan also seemed to be doing well inside his mama he’s passing his non-stress tests they wrote he still likes to move around and be active during these times we find his heartbeat and he moves away dr martin walker gorvyatt’s doctor and a fetal medicine expert at evergreen health medical center said that link had a 10
Chance of normal development at delivery but every day that twin brother logan spent in utero would mean a better chance at normal development for the younger brother logan will be bigger than link growth in utero is so much better than growth in nicu dr walker said earlier this month holly gorviet said logan was born on saturday after medical officials worried she had developed signs of infection
Logan arrived earthside at 1 53 a.m he weighed 740 grams she said in a post online when he was born he had the cutest tiny cry link also seems to be developing well according to walker he’s got a long way to go but the fact that he’s this far out with no bleeding in his brain it suggests he’s going to be one of the 10 percent with normal development walker told abc news the twins father nick told abc news
Earlier this month that link already showed some personality in his hospital incubator he likes to wiggle and move around a lot said gorviet he pulls out all the temperature gauges and monitors gorviad said that logan had already passed the 25-week mark signifying that he had already had a 50 chance of normal development both infants remain at the evergreen medical center for continued care according to the family’s

Fundraising site but it sounds like right now they cautiously hopeful parents are more focused on helping their babies get through the next few months dad nick gorvyat wrote that link is fighting for his life waiting for the day he gets to meet his brother on the outside we’re keeping the family especially those remarkable twins in our thoughts and hoping for the happy outcome they
Deserve in the third trimester your baby is finishing off developing and the focus turns to gaining weight at about 31 weeks of pregnancy babies begin to gain weight very quickly a baby can be more than double their weight in only about 10 weeks your little one weighs only about 3 pounds at week 30 of pregnancy most full-term babies born at about 40 weeks of pregnancy weigh an average of seven
And a half pounds this is why the earlier a premature baby is born the smaller and lighter they might be however even full-term babies can also sometimes have low birth weight in the united states about eight percent trusted source of babies have low birth weight this means that they’re born weighing at or less than five pounds eight ounces only about one point four percent trusted source of all babies in the
United states are born at a very low birth weight of less than 3 pounds babies born before 18 weeks are thought to have almost no chance of surviving because their lungs heart and brain are not sufficiently developed this happened once in a time 11-week gap lilia who is from northern kazakhstan went into labor early with daughter lilia at only 25 weeks the tiny and very fragile baby was safely delivered but
Lya’s twin brother was happy to stay put this can sometimes happen when a mother’s contractions stop after one twin has been delivered and it’s in the second baby’s interest to have some time to grow closer to full term baby maxim was indeed happy to keep cooking for another 11 weeks in fact my son was in no rush to come out into the world lolita told the these different birthdays were made even more likely because lilia had a
Condition known as uterus dilepius this means that she had a double uterus and that each baby was able to develop in its own womb premature labor is also quite common with this condition hence twin one’s early appearance some women who have uterus adelphius may also have two cervixes or two vaginas also this not always is the case and may not be in lilia’s double uterus and double babies
Sometimes women with this kind of double uterus have trouble getting pregnant because the lining of their uteruses is not fully developed or their wombs might be an irregular shape but in lilia’s case there was no such fertility issues she’s already had a seven-year-old daughter and doctors discovered her condition after the birth of that child i was shocked when i found out that i had such a condition lily explained and
Even more so when twin one arrived early i was worried about the life of my premature baby but our doctors were great what they did was a miracle very rare and unusual birth scientific american says that the odds of a pregnancy like this where twins are born weeks apart and developed in twin wombs are around 150 million further the odds of conceiving one twin in each womb for a woman with uterus de dellavus are apparently one in twenty
Five thousand lilia and her twins are now all healthy and happy apparently they’re preparing to leave the hospital and head home to begin their new life together in earnest improving survival rates for extremely premature babies means it is now possible to save the lives of babies born at 22 weeks guys says previously it was recommended that babies only born at 23 weeks or later were given treatment to save their lives
There is a saying and nick you never trust a 24-weeker that’s pretty much the earliest you will see a baby survive but the chances are slim it depends greatly on the technology available to the nicu the health of the mother and child up until that point and several other things not trusting the 24-week infant has to do with how hard it may or may not fight to be alive
Some do hang on from the very beginning and some just fail to thrive you can’t really even predict it easily it is one of the hardest jobs in nursing children regularly survive and thrive at the seven month mark i know that because i was 12 weeks early and i’m typing this now and i’m an adult so surviving being born three months premature has been possible for years the only way of knowing one hundred percent is by the ultrasound and
Doctor’s advice they try to keep a baby in the womb for as long as possible as well as ordered bed rest when it was no longer safe and her vitals were dropping they induced me and treated it like an emergency but remember that the baby needs to be in womb to develop normally otherwise there might be plenty of issues in each developmental stage like crawling walking talking comprehension who knows what kind of issue can present
And the lifespan the baby may require therapy for any additional issues and may not perform equal to a normal childbirth it is true for all humans irrespective of premature birth medicine has come far and can extend the lifespan it really depends on how much you can afford to pay hospitals and what kind of the best doctors are available such babies need extra care also the doctors

Charge a huge amount i know a friend is paying a million dollars for a life because they had a premature baby not to be discouraging but the parents need to know and be prepared for all sorts of things that may come due to premature births to provide a happy life something you or i would get the sniffles over would put them in the icu although covet 19 poses a significant risk to the twins she said that the family is already taking precautions
Against any sickness by staying indoors most of the time it’s not perfect but at least her family is together i still feel torn between the two sets of kids but at least i know at the end of the day the older kids get to do normal things where the twins get to stay healthy and i don’t have to decide between the two she said years before she was pregnant with twins without knowing the information may help
Save her future she saw a story about a family that did not have the opportunity to intervene when they received a twin to twin transfusion syndrome diagnosis and lost their children when she received the same diagnosis that story affected her decisions she said she hopes to pay it forward by sharing the knowledge she has gained if our story can help save another baby then it’s really important to continue to share she said