Woman gave birth to her daughter ten days after finding out she was pregnant. Sam Hicks had taken a number of pregnancy tests, all of which had come back negative before getting pregnant. A Porto’s head mother is one welcomed her new baby daughter into this world only ten days after learning she was expecting her first child.
On January 11, Sam Hicks was transported to South Meade Hospital where she gave birth to her daughter Julia Hicks. Sam, age 40, and her husband Joe discovered they were expecting a child on January 2 after Sam took a pregnancy test.
All of Sam’s pregnancy tests had come back negative during the year, despite the fact that she works in a nursing home. There were some indicators, said Joe. Sam’s pleased father, however, because she had taken multiple pregnancy tests, all of which came back negative, she simply chalked it up to stomach troubles.

However, when Joe, aged 32, felt a kick in his wife’s stomach while they were relaxing on New Year’s Day, Sam decided to perform another test on the couple. Sam decided to get another pregnancy test the next day, which this time proved that she was three weeks plus along in her pregnancy.
The couple, who already had two children, Thomas, age three, and Johnny, age eight, were taken aback and immediately began making arrangements such as scheduling scans and appointments with the midwife.
Julia, on the other hand, had other plans and came before the scheduled appointments because Julia is having respiratory difficulties. Sam and her infant, who weighed £7. 8oz and was born at full term, are still in Southmead Hospital. However, she’s making good progress and Joe anticipates that they’ll be able to return home within the next several days.
I can’t wait to get them back home. He expressed his excitement when Sam was brought to the hospital in November with coronavirus. It was amazing that her pregnancy wasn’t discovered at the time.
Of course, when she was hospitalized she was asked whether she was pregnant and she responded in the negative, so that was that Sam, Joe and Thomas were all found to be infected with the virus, with Jonny being the only one who did not test positive. They were placed in self isolation.
Sam was brought to South Meade Hospital on November 25 after experiencing respiratory difficulties and she was discharged four days later after receiving treatment. She was in really bad shape when she returned home and she was slow and didn’t seem to be improving, Joe recalled. Sam returned to work after spending an additional two weeks at home. The holiday season was spent as usual with the family. Sam went to work on January 10.
She walked 40 minutes to get there and Joe picked her up at 01:00 p.m. That afternoon. He subsequently went to work as a lorry driver and he returned home at approximately 11:30 p.m.
After returning home, Sam expressed concern about what had happened, prompting Joe to call for an ambulance at that point, we realized she was having contractions, and I dialed the maternity unit at Southmead, where they told me to come in. The two of them drove to the hospital with Joe keeping track of Sam’s contractions.
I was keeping an eye on the time on the cars clock and they were coming every six minutes, I explained. When the couple arrived at the central delivery suite at 12:40 A.m.. Julia was born at 03:14 A.m., according to the hospital’s records. Initially, the hospital was concerned about Julius oxygen levels, and she was admitted to the hospital’s neonatal intensive care unit. Joe is hoping that Sam and Julia will be back home in the next few days to help out.

We already have two wonderful boys, so Julia’s arrival came as a huge shock, Joe recalled of his wife. She’s simply stunning, and we couldn’t be happier with our choice. I remember sitting the boys down and telling them they were going to have a new baby brother or sister.
When we found out Sam was pregnant, the older brother, Johnny, was overjoyed about the new sibling, although Thomas was a little too young to fully comprehend the situation. In most cases, siblings have a period of time to adjust to the news that a new baby is on the way, not just a few days, says the doctor.
Joe stated that the family has been able to acquire a few items in preparation for the baby and the days leading up to delivery. I’m a planner, and we already had a seven seater car, so we were able to purchase some of the larger stuff once we discovered the situation, Joe explained. Families, friends and neighbors have rallied together to provide gifts after learning about the unexpected arrival. We have so much now, so many clothes. Joe expressed his delight.
We’ve been overwhelmed by the generosity and kindness of our family, friends and neighbors, as well as the local community. We just want to express our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has assisted us. After deciding that they would like to relocate this year, they had already put the two boys into an adjoining room with bunk beds so that they could use the extra room for storing purposes that will now serve as Julia’s room. Joe explained. I haven’t even heard Julia cry yet, which means she’s incredible.
If she’s hungry, that’s the only time she becomes a little grisly. Julia, according to Joe, is unquestionably the final member of the family. We have no plans to have any more children, Joe stated emphatically. I’ll say that right now, but given recent events, who knows what might happen in the future? Find it hard to believe.
Then meet the woman who was told by doctors she couldn’t have children. Gives birth 4 Hours after Discovering she’s pregnant when visiting hospital with stomach ache. The birth of her first daughter was only 4 hours after she discovered she was pregnant, despite the fact that she’d been told she’d never be able to have children.
Danielle Adams, a 28 year old bar worker from Stoke, had gone to the hospital after complaining of stomach soreness, which she attributed to constipation her appendix or kidney stones, among other things. In the event that an ultrasound scan revealed that Danielle was nine months pregnant, Danielle was hurried to the Royal Stoke University Hospital, where she underwent an emergency Csection and gave birth to tiny Maisie Rosemore.
Danielle broke down in tears after hearing the news that she’d become a mother, but she was overjoyed when her daughter was born, and she now considers herself and her partner, Stuart Moore, aged 36, to be a family. Only a dry mouth had been noticed by Danielle throughout the preceding nine months, and she had not experienced any kicking.
She had desires for croissants, but she didn’t have the normal bump, and she attributed her 1 St weight gain to being on lockdown during pandemic. When she found out she was pregnant, she admitted that she assumed the doctor was playing a joke on her. When he eventually persuaded me, I burst into tears because I was so taken aback by what he had said.

My emotions were ecstatic. It was an overwhelming experience because I didn’t expect I’d be able to have children. The news came as more of a surprise. She is a complete miracle to us, she continued. Because Maisie Rose’s heartbeat was lowering, doctors were afraid that the baby’s oxygen supply would be jeopardized.
Danielle described the moment she was finally able to hug her daughter as a high, saying she felt like she was on top of the world. Her heartbeat kept decreasing and they couldn’t tell me whether it was a boy or a girl or whether or not they were healthy.
Danielle revealed the scan only captured the top of her leg, which was disappointing. I was on a high for several days after she was born. When I first had her in my arms, I was laying down and they placed her on my chest, which was just incredible.
My memory of announcing I’ve got a baby girl is still fresh in my mind. It was the most incredible sensation in the world and she’s brought us together and made us a family. She’s brought our lives together. As a result of the coronavirus pandemic, Danielle was forced to tell Stewart that he was going to become a father over the phone because he wasn’t permitted to enter an e at Stafford County Hospital. According to Danielle, he was over the moon when Stewart showed up in his car.
When I was driving to Royal Stoke, I told him, can you call my mother and tell her I’m having a baby? He called my mother, who was taken aback. She was on her way back from my stepsister’s house, and she dropped off a ton of goodies for us. Friends and family were bringing her things over and sending things in the mail, and we had to start saying no to things. It was very incredible.
It’s an incredible feeling to be able to bring another life into the planet. She continued. After a long period of adjustment I now look at her and wonder how on Earth did I come up with such a beautiful creature? It was an incredible experience and she’s just incredible. The staff at County Hospital as well as the Royal Stoke University hospital Are to be thanked for their efforts.
It took only four days after I gave birth to her to be discharged from eternity unit Where the midwives and staff were outstanding. In his own words, Stewart described the entire event as surreal and said that he had a shock at first but that he later felt extremely proud when he held his newborn daughter for the first time.
My initial reaction was one of complete shock. When I arrived at the hospital to check what was going on everything seemed a little strange. This feeling of awe continued with me until we entered the operating room and then there was this overwhelming thing that happened that was very remarkable.

I was overcome with emotion. When I held her in my arms I couldn’t believe what had happened. The fact that we weren’t expecting a child to have children Meant that we weren’t really considering anything. Our way of life has been drastically transformed.
Pregnancy signs and symptoms include a missed period is the first and most dependable symptom of pregnancy as it occurs at the beginning of the cycle feeling sick to your stomach or vomiting.
This is referred to as morning sickness but it can occur at any time of the day. During pregnancy it’s usual to feel fatigued or even exhausted Especially during the first twelve weeks or so of the pregnancy. The size and tenderness of your breasts may increase Similar to how they would feel before your period. The flavor and fragrance of food will change as will the appetites and you’ll be urinating more than usual. Thanks for reading.